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The Licensing of Charlie Sheen: Consor Asks–Will He Be A Winner In The End?

Charlie Sheen is EVERYWHERE. And soon the public will be able to buy everything that is Charlie Sheen. In the works are a 32-page comic book-style biography (to be offered by Bluewater Productions), a Tiger Blood energy drink (already in production by Harco Laboratories), not to mention t-shirts, mugs and other merchandise with Sheen’s ever increasing number of catchphrases.

You know, slogans like “I bleed Tiger Blood,” “The only thing I’m addicted to is winning,” and “I am on a drug. It’s called Charlie Sheen.”

The public can’t seem to get enough of his egocentric rants and raves and increasingly crazy antics. But how will Charlie Sheen, as an enterprise, keep track of his licensing opportunities and make sure he himself benefits? He definitely needs to make a living, considering he was finally fired from Two and a Half Men and has not only four children, but three ex-wives, two goddesses and one tiger to support.

Sheen certainly has some great options available for monetizing himself. As the licensor, he can directly distribute himself to retail, online and social media outlets. With over two million Twitter followers, it is also estimated Sheen may be able to make over $1 million a year just from Twitter sponsorships.

But how quickly can he cash in on his own fame? Is he able to license his own brand out to manufacturers, or file copyrights and trademarks before his moments in the public eye subside? Will he have the foresight to take advantage of what assistance IP Experts can offer him?

Sheen needs to be strategic in developing a long-term plan to take advantage of this–we hope–short-term mania. The public isn’t likely to risk much more of their valuable and attention on Sheen’s ego-infused interviews. Let’s see if Sheen and his business associates are able to come up with a strategic winning plan. Will this tiger turn his current publicity into a licensor’s dream or does it simply have the makings of a future pity party?